Tuesday, March 18, 2014

                              SHAPED BY THE STORM

 At some point and time in our lives we will all encounter a storm. We all have a story or two about weathering a storm; some of us just made it out of one, many of us are in the middle of a storm at this very moment! Storms pass through in a variety of ways and they don't appear with a guarantee of how long they will remain. Storms have the ability to destroy; they attack our health, our families, our finances, our jobs, our relationships and most importantly....our faith! It is when our faith is under attack, that everything else in our lives is exposed and made vulnerable to the damaging effects that a storm brings. There are times when we are warned about a storm and we prepare for its arrival by taking the necessary steps to reduce the damage the storm may cause. When faced with a possible health storm, we can make necessary changes and take preventative measures to minimize the situation and possibly change the outcome. When in a family or relationship storm, we may see the storm brewing and we may be able to lessen the blow by what we say and how we choose to deal with the circumstances. Many times, the effects of the storms we see heading our way can be reduced by the choices that we make. BUT WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A STORM COMES OUT OF NOWHERE WITH NO WARNING, KNOCKING DOWN AND COMPLETELY DESTROYING EVERYTHING IN ITS PATH....WHAT DO YOU DO THEN? What do we do when we open our eyes and we look to the left and to the right and we think that there is no hope in being able to repair the damage that's been done? We need to find the strength to pray!! Just because our human eyes see no way out....God ALWAYS delivers a way out of the storm!! We have to allow our faith to be stretched and keep our hearts and our minds focused on the promise that God gave in His word, Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV) "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for The Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you." Every storm that we encounter, whether it big or small, is shaping us for greatness! We have to set our minds on knowing what God purposed for His children and that is that He wants us to experience a life of joy! We never leave a storm without a testimony and that testimony has great power!! It holds the key not only to your success in handling future storms, but it has the potential to impact the lives of others and helping their faith to grow! We all have an assignment while here on earth and that is to follow the teachings of God and to draw others to Him....that is what your testimonies of weathering the storms do!! Please remember that you are here with a purpose and that each storm you experience is shaping you to impact the lives of others! You are in my prayers!! ❤

Thursday, March 6, 2014

                         LOVE WITH YOUR WHOLE HEART

Love is a feeling that is meant to be shared,
It brings joy, peace and happiness when it is declared.
Every human exists with a need to feel love,

it was designed and created by our Father above.

There are so many ways for us to show love,
and to let those we care for, know how much their thought of.

We are not only to express love to those who love us,

spreading love to our neighbors is also a plus.
Love is truthful and kind, forgiving and free,

We should love with our whole heart....unconditionally.

Love comes in all shapes and sizes, it covers the globe,
love requires true trust and the patience of Job.

When we love like we should, we will always impart,

how important it is to love with your whole heart.

1 Peter 4:8

Above  all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins.  (NIV)

Written for the HAPPINESS NOW Newsletter (March publication)


I recently endured a family tragedy that required much prayer, time and attention....it still does, but only by the grace of God can I see things beginning to fall into place and  can I see light at the end of the darkness!  Please keep me in your prayers as I continue to seek God's direction where needed.  I pray to be back on track soon and able to share the thoughts and words that God places on my heart.  I truly know that it will be done...Only By The Grace Of God!!

                   ONLY BY THE GRACE OF GOD

Only by the grace of God~do we rise up every day.
Only by the grace of God~are ways made out of no way.
Only be the grace of God~are we sheltered from the storm.
Only by the grace of God~are we kept safe from hurt and harm.
Only by the grace of God~do we have all that we need.
Only by the grace of God~ through forgiveness are we freed.
Only by the grace of God~do we survive things that are tough.
Only by the grace of God~ are we loved more than enough.
Only by the grace of God~ are we given eyes in which to see, the magnificence, power and grace of God that lives through eternity.