Saturday, March 26, 2016

As you celebrate Easter with family and friends, please remember the significance and the sacrifices made, so that we may have eternal life! Here's my latest piece.

Christ made the ultimate sacrifice... He died so we could live
eternal and abundant life are gifts Our Father, chose to give.

Christ was mocked and He was beaten, then hung high upon a cross
His Mother, Mary was a witness, left to deal with her great loss.

As the hours passed, the earth grew dark and seemingly stood still
then the ground began to rumble...before the world would learn God's will.

Christ was taken from the cross that day and placed inside a tomb
It's there, that Mary learned God's purpose for the child she carried in her womb.

An angel shared The Good News...that her Son was alive again
His death stood out to change the world and the life of evey man.

I am so thankful for God's sacrifice...
He gave His Only Son
and because He did....
eternal life is ours
and all our battles have been won!

Friday, March 4, 2016

I am asking for your prayers for my family, we lost another family member this evening...that makes 3 family members in two weeks!  Although we may not understand His plan, we know that God's love will strengthen and comfort us and get us through it. We were blessed to see our cousin and our aunt last Saturday after being on the East Coast for our uncle's Homegoing Celebration. Our cousin had been following my inspirational blog and encouraged me to keep writing...she said, she needed my inspiration.  I had been told the time was drawing near and started working on a piece early this morning.  I didn't get it done in time... but after learning of her passing and also mourning the recent loss of our aunt and uncle, this is what I wrote and have to share....Thank you for your prayers!


Lord you created us with purpose
your handiwork stands out in each debut
we should strive to be more like you
'cause we are just passing through.

You positioned us for greatness
your Word tells us what to do
we must follow your directon,
'cause we are just passing through.

You gave us each a mind with free will, perception and a point of view
trusting we would make good choices
'cause we are just passing through.

We are so grateful that you love us
we want you to know that we love you too.
We want to live life to the fullest
'cause we are just passing through.

Lord, we don't want to take for granted all you bless us with and do
we recognize our time on earth is precious
'cause we are just passing through.

Lord, help us heal when loved ones leave us
and they head home to be with you
for we know our paths will cross again
'cause we ALL ARE...just passing through.