July 2016
Life is a gift and none of us have the authority to decide to end a person's life. Only God has the say so, over our time here on earth. Every one of us has been burdened by the news of lives being cut short or critically wounded, by the hands of other human beings. I am both devastated and heartbroken by the tragic loss of life and none of the circumstances are understandable. While many attempt to search for answers to the resolve issues of racial tension, I choose to express myself through poetry....
Do you know just who I am ....this person that you see?
Please Note: I did not choose my own skin color, it was chosen by God just for me.
When you see me, please don't anticipate that I intend to bring you harm
you should never fear my presence or find cause for an alarm.
When you encounter or see someone acting out that you think looks like me
Please don't decide that I'll behave that way OR assume that I agree.
Please understand, that if you look at me and hate me for my skin,
that I was created for the world to love and in God's eyes, hate is a sin.
Why do some give their eyes authority to judge my worth and the purpose for my life;
while allowing the fear and anger others hold, to help erect the walls of strife?
Do I feel the hurt, pain and mistrust fueled by the issues over race?
Yes I'm human...but I look to God for strength to put those feelings in their place.
Will life change for the better?...I guess that's really up to you
because I'm committed to love my brother
as God commands us ALL to do
I write this, with no ill-intent; not to stand out in deep protest,
but my hope is to be treated with respect...
that is my sincere request.
God placed me on earth, with the right
to live and love my fellow man
and to accomplish this with dignity
in this beautiful skin I'm in!!
The scriptures below speak to me right now, because, it is vital that we know and understand that hate is a sin and we must guard our hearts to make sure that love is always present, in our lives!! 
Psalm 97:10 (NIV)
10 Let those who love the Lord hate evil,
for he guards the lives of his faithful ones
and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.
Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)
23 Above all else, guard your heart,
for everything you do flows from it.