Sunday, October 22, 2017


Recently, I witnessed a gathering at a local eating establishment, that not only caught my put a huge smile on my face. I was drawn to the group of seven, by the laughter that erupted from their table.

Apparently, a bee had decided to join them for brunch and some members of the group were not enthused by its presence. When two people in the group, "swiftly made their way to safety," the other diners responded by taking action and swatting at the bee, in order for their friends feel it was safe enough to return.

While watching it all unfold, I noticed that this table of young adults, was comprised of different colors of the rainbow. That  immediately captured my heart and I wanted to know more about this beautiful sight that I was blessed to behold! I HAD to meet "my new friends!"

 I approached their table and introduced myself. I told them that I was a writer and poet and I wanted to capture the moment and create a written piece about it... they were all more than happy to accommodate my request!

I then learned that this Beautiful Group of Young People, are all medical students in training and they are from various parts of the globe. They were taking a break from classwork to unwind, laugh and enjoy each other's company.  Which is yet another beautiful addition to the story.
My thoughts put to words below...

                  GOD'S KALEIDOSCOPE OF LOVE

Please don't take for granted, all that God designed for your delight
Every fish, fowl, flower and creation is truly precious in His sight.

God loves everything He puts His hands to
and watches over every plan
when He created someone in His image, He formed and breathed life into man.

The Earth was God's 1st masterpiece; a pallette of brilliant colors and the most breathtaking views
why wouldn't He also bring His art to life, by making man in different shades and hues?

God created us to love and commands that we  love Him back
He formed love in every color; red, white and yellow, brown and black.

Can you imagine what would happen, if we engaged more with our hearts
and weren't divided by skin color, as hatred continues to impart?

If we could look beyond one's color and see the gifts that they possess
we would find value in those relationships and heal our world in the process.

God truly holds the power to completely heal the land...
He's just waiting for us to walk in love and pray  together as He planned.

Remember, please don't take for granted all that God designed for your delight
every skintone, shade and hue, is truly precious in His sight!

Copyright © 2017 Debora Grandison. All rights reserved.