Thursday, December 12, 2013

When one of my beautiful Sisters-in-law asked me what my motivation for writing was and what I desired it to do with it, I told her that I felt my purpose was to inspire, encourage, uplift and motivate people.  As I continued to meditate on what the driving force of my journey was, I thought about one of my favorite words....JOY!  I pray that everyone God allows me to cross paths with, will have joy in their life and below is the finished product of my prayer!                    

              I PRAY YOU JOY                                            
I pray for you great sunsets,
seeing God within all things.
I pray for you bright rainbows,
and the promises God brings.
I pray for you sweet music,
sung so sweetly by the birds;
The songs create a melody,
inspired by God’s words.
I pray your life is filled with laughter,
that a smile adorns your face.
I pray that love will fill your heart,
enough to heal the human race.
I pray for help to fix your burdens,
that your trials will not destroy.
I pray that God will grant you peace,
THROUGH ALL..... I Pray You Joy.

1 comment:

Roger said...
