Thursday, November 13, 2014

            WATCH OUT!!!........YOU ARE BEING USED TODAY!!

 When reading this title you may say, "WHAT... No one has asked me for anything, how in the world could anyone be using me or take advantage of me without my knowledge??  Well my friend, the term being used, is not always a negative thing. I am referring to being used by God and believe me....that is ALWAYS a good thing!  You aren't always aware of it, but people are watching  your every, friends, co-workers...even those who you've never spoken a word to.

God desires us to be n example to everyone we come in contact with; no matter what the situation brings. We are to act on His behalf and are accountable for our responses and reactions when communicating with others. There are times when other people's actions and attitudes may have a negative impact on our own attitude. We can be in a good mood when we step out of our own environment and into the world and be met by complete and utter chaos...someone gives you a wrong look, you experience an inappropriate traffic move,a harsh word is spoken and POW...IT'S ON!!

God charges us to be cautious when reacting to the negative attitudes and behaviors of others, it's easy to loose our footing and fall prey to being "in the heat of the moment." We are to RISE ABOVE the occasion and to react in a way that will diffuse the situation.  God wants to use you to encourage those individuals who may not give thought or consequence to their actions to think and act differently.  We are called to provide a positive image for spite of difficult circumstances. Being a Godly example to others can be challenging at may think, why should you be responsible for trying to fix someone's unacceptable conduct, when you have your own issues to deal with?  What you may not be able to see in the moment, is that God will use YOU and YOUR positive reactions to a situation to help someone with a negative attitude to recognize the need for change in THEIR life. Their eyes will hopefully be opened to the realization that even through the hurt and the pain that they may experience, God's love brings peace, strength and triumph to ANY situation.

 God uses those who fully believe in Him and know the power of His grace and mercy to be living examples of His love and kindness. When you allow yourself to be used by Him and you exemplify His teaching through your actions towards others...YOU are preparing yourself to experience the miraculous gift of eternal life that God has promised! ♥


Tamarra Weary said...

Amen Deb!! God use me till I'm all used up!!

Anonymous said...

Good article. It's a great reminder that we are his vessels. It can be easy to forget this "in the heat of the moment".