Friday, June 20, 2014


We are always striving to be the very best that we can be.  On that quest, we try to successfully maneuver our way through trials and temptations, hoping to be seen in a positive light, by others.  At times we find it difficult to accept the shortcomings of our family, friends and peers, while also struggling with the imperfections that we see within ourselves.  Human nature drives us to seek perfection in our situations and circumstances; even though we know that there are no perfect individuals walking among us on earth. God did not design us to be perfect, but He did create us to live our lives by the example of His Son, Jesus Christ.  At the start of man’s existence, a decision was made out of disobedience that caused sin to fall upon each one of us at birth, this is written in Psalm 51:5.   It is very important that we accept this truth, because we can’t work towards the life that God desires for us if we don’t recognize that we all fall short and were born with imperfections.  Refusing to accept that we are imperfect, stifles our pathway to growth and blessings.  There are times when we blame others for our circumstances, hold grudges and struggle to forgive when we have been hurt or falsely accused. We often view our imperfections as garments of inadequacy and some of us never overcome our insecurities.  While on this journey, it is important for us to establish a close and personal relationship with God.  When we do that, we begin to understand why our imperfections hold a significant place in our development.  Our imperfections can break us down and destroy us OR they can create resolve and challenge us to rise to the occasion!  This has the ability to move us forward,  build and strengthen our character and help us live the life that God intends for us to live.     REMEMBER....You were fearfully and wonderfully made!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

After just reading yet another tragic story on bullying, I decided to share a writing I completed a while back.   It speaks to the effects of using negative words and reflects on how those words can destroy the confidence that we work so hard to build up in our children.  Unfortunately, we live in very different times and the act of bullying now includes an entirely different set of tactics that often result in devastating consequences.  We ALL should take charge over the words we use!!


Remember hearing the phrase on the playground as a child,“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt  me"?   I know I had to shout that message out a few times myself!  I expect that this phrase was used by many a tormented child as a way of stopping harsh and negative words from spewing from the mouth of their tormentor. I believe there were hopes that the instigator would stop harassing them if they thought their attempts to hurt with words were useless....BUT we all know.... that words CAN hurt! People who choose to use words that are hurtful, cause pain and leave lasting impressions of negativity that can damage one's confidence.

The unpleasant words that one hears over and over again during childhood can create walls of mistrust and issues with poor self esteem that can carry over into adulthood.  Some people struggle to break away feelings of inadequacy that were formed in their youth.  I want to believe that most people who participate in this type of destructive behavior, have no idea of the severity of their actions.  I can recall certain "bullied" moments that I experienced as a child; I remember how those mean and hurtful messages became deeply embedded in my psyche and played a significant part in how I responded to certain situations.

  Children are like a sponges and absorb a great deal of what they are introduced to.  If a child is built up with encouraging and uplifting words, they will most likely have a positive outlook on life and deal with challenging issues with a level of confidence.  On the other hand, if a child is torn down with words of discouragement and hatred, they will develop into an adult who will spend a great deal of time trying to prove their level of worth; not only to others, but to themselves as well.  Negative words  can stop a person from pursuing their dreams and limit their ability to live a life filled with happiness and joy.  God’s written Word is filled with encouragement, love and promise.  It is a well-defined book of instructions, He designed for his children to follow when interacting with others.  Spending time in the Word of God will definitely have a direct effect on the words that we choose to use when dealing with others.  Some of the words that God expects us to use in our daily vocabulary are: love, forgive, honor, bless and praise.  When we use God’s chosen words, it pushes us further away from using words that could easily destroy someone’s life!!