Monday, August 29, 2016

Each one of us were created with a purpose and God designed us with specific gifts, talents and passions. Some of us instictively know what we want to do or were purposed to do early on...some of us are still seeking direction on finding our true purpose.
 I was blessed to reconnect with a high school classmate last year. During our visit, we talked about our God-Given gifts and passions...Julie paints....I write. Julie shared this particular piece with me and gave me the opportunity to name it and put words to it and we are now sharing it with you! 
We pray that you enjoy our collaboration and that you use your gifts for the glory of God!
1 Peter 4:10 New International Version (NIV)
10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.


In Genesis 1 God laid the foundation
He molded and shaped the earth the world and the nation
He added the sun, the moon and the stars
and designed planets, like Jupiter, Venus and Mars.
God gave meaning to darkness as well as to light
and declared ALL things precious in His pure sight.
God brightened the world with vivid colors and hues
He began with the reds and greens...yellows and blues. 
God brought life to the world and so it began
and He formed in His own image and likeness...a man.
Man was created to love and God truly loved him
God wanted man's light to shine and to never go dim.
God's plan for His children is to flourish and grow
and to tell others about Him, wherever they go.
We must study His Word and protect His creation
and do so with love, peace and JUBILATION!!
Copyright © 2015 Debora Grandison. All rights reserved.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

 I had the honor and the pleasure of being asked to present at the 19th Missouri Institute on Minority Aging Conference, this week.

 I prepared and performed a monologue about a woman who sees her reflection in the mirror and faces the reality of not always recognizing the person who is staring back at her. 

This year's theme for the conference was:
I was inspired by another guest speaker during an evening session, and was led to write an additional piece to share, here it is.....

I sing the body electric, regardless of my age
and I celebrate this life I've lived, with the turn of every page.

For I know that I was chosen to encourage and to love
and everyday, I strive to be more like my Heavenly Father up above.

I am grateful for God's promise that is woven in my heart
and He designed a plan and purpose for me, right from the very start.

Whatever time that I've been given...whatever goals that I've achieved
I know that I must tell the world, that God is Good and I believe.

I plan to celebrate my journey...I want to live life without fear
I will sing the body electric, throughout the rest of my blessed years.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

July 2016

Life is a gift and none of us have the authority to decide to end a person's life.  Only God has the say so, over our time here on earth.  Every one of us has been burdened by the news of lives being cut short or critically wounded, by the hands of other human beings.  I am both devastated and heartbroken by the tragic loss of life and none of the circumstances are understandable.  While many attempt to search for answers to the resolve issues of racial tension, I  choose to express myself through poetry....


Do you know just who I am ....this person that you see?
Please Note: I did not choose my own skin color, it was chosen by God just for me.

When you see me, please don't anticipate that I intend to bring you harm
you should never fear my presence or find cause for an alarm.

When you encounter or see someone acting out that you think looks like me
Please don't decide that I'll behave that way OR assume that I agree.

Please understand, that if you look at me and hate me for my skin,
that I was created for the world to love and in God's eyes, hate is a sin.

Why do some give their eyes authority to judge my worth and the purpose for my life;
while allowing the fear and anger others hold, to help erect the walls of strife?

Do I feel the hurt, pain and mistrust fueled by the issues over race?
Yes I'm human...but I look to God for strength to put those feelings in their place.

Will life change for the better?...I guess that's really up to you
because I'm committed to love my brother
as God commands us ALL to do

I write this, with no ill-intent; not to stand out in deep protest, 
 but my hope is to be treated with respect...
that is my sincere request.

God placed me on earth, with the right 
to live and love my fellow man
and to accomplish this with dignity
in this beautiful skin I'm in!!

The scriptures below speak to me right now, because, it is vital that we know and understand that hate is a sin and we must guard our hearts to make sure that love is always present, in our lives!! ❤

Psalm 97:10 (NIV)
10 Let those who love the Lord hate evil,
    for he guards the lives of his faithful ones
    and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.

Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)
23 Above all else, guard your heart,
    for everything you do flows from it.

Monday, May 23, 2016

                 IN THE STILLNESS OF MY SOUL

When things become chaotic and the world attempts to take its toll
 I fix my eyes upon God's goodness and seek... the stillness of my soul.

When anxiety and fear creep up
and try to take control
 I go to God with all my troubles, and seek... the stillness of my soul.

When the enemy shows up with hopes to break me and keep me from being whole
 I focus on God's promise,
and seek...the stillness of my soul.

 When God reveals His plan and purpose and the steps to take to reach my goal
 I  pray for a successful journey and seek...the stillness of my soul.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


                            A MOTHER’S HEART
                                          Mother's Day~ 2016

             A Mother’s Heart is beautiful…
             it’s powerful and strong
             the love she has for her child is unconditional and lifelong.

            A Mother’s Heart comes with no instructions, no manual or a book
            but her faith helps her to do her best to keep a positive outlook.

           A Mother’s Heart is filled with joy, the moment she gives birth
           she recognizes this gift from God…has great significance on earth.

           Sometimes A Mother’s Heart feels burdened and she may then shed a tear
           when she sees her child struggling with disappointment, with anguish or with fear.

           That’s when she pulls out all the stops and there are no delays
           she takes the time to get on her knees and that is where she prays.

          A Mother’s Heart may have questions and often may have doubts
          as she searches for the answers to work the issues out.

          But her heart is truly vibrant and she gives all that she can

          the love in her heart holds no boundaries, just as God designed and planned. 

Saturday, March 26, 2016

As you celebrate Easter with family and friends, please remember the significance and the sacrifices made, so that we may have eternal life! Here's my latest piece.

Christ made the ultimate sacrifice... He died so we could live
eternal and abundant life are gifts Our Father, chose to give.

Christ was mocked and He was beaten, then hung high upon a cross
His Mother, Mary was a witness, left to deal with her great loss.

As the hours passed, the earth grew dark and seemingly stood still
then the ground began to rumble...before the world would learn God's will.

Christ was taken from the cross that day and placed inside a tomb
It's there, that Mary learned God's purpose for the child she carried in her womb.

An angel shared The Good News...that her Son was alive again
His death stood out to change the world and the life of evey man.

I am so thankful for God's sacrifice...
He gave His Only Son
and because He did....
eternal life is ours
and all our battles have been won!

Friday, March 4, 2016

I am asking for your prayers for my family, we lost another family member this evening...that makes 3 family members in two weeks!  Although we may not understand His plan, we know that God's love will strengthen and comfort us and get us through it. We were blessed to see our cousin and our aunt last Saturday after being on the East Coast for our uncle's Homegoing Celebration. Our cousin had been following my inspirational blog and encouraged me to keep writing...she said, she needed my inspiration.  I had been told the time was drawing near and started working on a piece early this morning.  I didn't get it done in time... but after learning of her passing and also mourning the recent loss of our aunt and uncle, this is what I wrote and have to share....Thank you for your prayers!


Lord you created us with purpose
your handiwork stands out in each debut
we should strive to be more like you
'cause we are just passing through.

You positioned us for greatness
your Word tells us what to do
we must follow your directon,
'cause we are just passing through.

You gave us each a mind with free will, perception and a point of view
trusting we would make good choices
'cause we are just passing through.

We are so grateful that you love us
we want you to know that we love you too.
We want to live life to the fullest
'cause we are just passing through.

Lord, we don't want to take for granted all you bless us with and do
we recognize our time on earth is precious
'cause we are just passing through.

Lord, help us heal when loved ones leave us
and they head home to be with you
for we know our paths will cross again
'cause we ALL ARE...just passing through.