Thursday, August 31, 2017

  I recently had an encounter with an Angel. This individual was placed directly in my path at a moment that I needed discernment on decisions, regarding my health. I needed encouragement and most importantly, I needed prayer.

 I didn't know this person, before that day, but they told me right away that they were instructed by God to lay hands on me and pray...and that's exactly what they did!

 It often takes a great deal of faith to walk in obedience and do as God instructs.  I'm so grateful that My Angel did. Their prayers were specific and held a great deal of power.  There are no doubts that My Angel was following the promptings of The Lord.

 The steps that followed, called for me to not base my decisions on what I could see, but to walk in faith and to listen to the promptings of The Holy Spirit. My Angel's prayer planted the seed and set me on the path to victory. ❤  

                   I BELIEVE IN ANGELS

Do I believe in Angels? Oh yes I do you see
I know God placed them in my path to help watch over me.

They're with me when I travel, they hover through the night
just knowing God assigned them to my care, tells me everything's alright.

There are times that life gets rugged and I need to know He's near
so God brings forth specific angels to calm all my doubts and fears.

Sometimes the angels whisper...sometimes they clearly speak
no matter what their method
they're prepared to deliver what I seek.

God's angels appear in different coverings and they take on many forms
They protect us in each season
and carry us through every storm.

Some people don't believe in angels
it's hard to see them in our midst
but when you trust and believe in the Word of God, you will know that they exist.

Copyright © 2017 Debora Grandison. All rights reserved.                             

1 comment:

Janell said...

It's often said that seeing is believing. Reguarding angels, I think believing is seeing. If we live with our eyes wide open, God's is waiting to amaze us. Thank you for sharing you experience.