Tuesday, December 24, 2013

                                               THE ART OF GIVING

CHRISTMAS IS A TIME FOR GIVING, but it's not just all about the pretty packages! It's about the GIVING of your time~ when someone needs a helping hand or maybe just an ear to listen. It's about the GIVING of your talents~ we all have been given special gifts like; music, art, writing, teaching, the list goes on and on!  Each gift we posses has the potential to encourage, uplift and bring joy to the lives of others, while also giving honor and glory to God!  It's about GIVING love to others~ we are not only called to love those who love us back, but we are to also love those who may find love difficult to give OR to receive.  It's about ForGIVING~ we are charged to forgive those who may have caused us hurt, anger or pain.  Practicing forgiveness can be challenging, but is necessary for our own well-being and it allows us to live a life full of joy!  God gave His Son, so that we may have life and live it more abundantly.  He GIVES us guidance, protection and comfort and He loves and blesses us beyond measure!  Our ability to GIVE should extend beyond the Christmas Holiday, but it is especially important at a time that we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior JESUS Christ, for He truly IS the Reason for the Season!!  May your heart be filled with joy and your mind be filled with peace as we enter into a New Year of GIVING!!~MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

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