Wednesday, January 15, 2014

                                NO MATTER WHAT THE WEATHER!!

As I headed home from the gym on Monday this week, I noticed how brightly the sun was shining and how much warmer the temperature was compared to that of the previous Monday. The highs peaked around 50* that day, which was in complete contrast with last weeks' temperature.  The week before, the thermometer reached record low temps and many of us struggled to maintain our wits about us as we trudged through mounds of snow!!  My first thought was," WOW, what a difference a few days can make!"  But then my thoughts quickly moved to an undeniable fact, when God created heaven and earth, he supplied us with the same amount of hours to use in each day and that none of our days should be taken for matter what the weather is!!  In spite of the weather, we can still be productive in the areas that God requires of us; spending time in His presence, showing love and concern for others and by strengthening our faith and striving to be an example that will stand to draw others closer to Him!   Life has a way of bringing on MAJOR distractions that keep us focused on an abundance of things that aren't necessarily vital to our journey.  I too found myself complaining about the brutal temps and piles of snow, which only perpetuated my lack of desire to accomplish ANYTHING!   A lapse in motivation can give us a false sense that there isn't enough time in the day, to get things done.  The issue is really about our personal choices and how we use the time that we have been blessed with each day.  I took full advantage of the somewhat balmy temps that day; I exercised, ran errands and even found the time to complete a few inside tasks that I managed to keep putting off.  Why was I so much more productive that day?  Because when our surroundings are sunny and bright, we tend to have a more positive attitude about everything.  The light from the atmosphere generates energy and light in us; we smile more, we extend ourselves more to others and we find it easier to be joyful and show gratitude in the warmth and radiance of the sun. But God wants us to embrace each and every day that we are given with joy and gratitude and He NEVER wants us to take ANY day for granted!  Each day is more precious than the next and should be treated as the gift that it is.....NO MATTER WHAT THE WEATHER!   :-)

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