Tuesday, November 3, 2015

It's November 1st and that means that Thanksgiving Day AND my birthday are just around the corner! To celebrate the month, I will post/share something(s) each day that I am thankful for and I challenge myself to do it in rhyme...Here's to: 55 And Alive...A Grateful Place To Be!


Today, with a sore throat and a stuffy head
God gave me the strength to get up out of bed.
I put aside all the things that the enemy said
and ignored what he tried to put in my head.
He wanted me to believe that I should stay put, so I'd miss out on the blessings of worship and Word
But I rebuked all his chatter and cast him aside, went to church and was blessed by the message I heard!
You see, no matter what tempts you or comes to destroy, kill or steal
God's Word fills us with hope and has the power to heal.

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